
I'm legitimately scared. I don't even know how to put my feelings into words. I am at a loss trying to understand how people still don't "get it" about COVID-19. I've seen so many people's social media posts denying the danger of the virus. So many people use the flu statistics to downplay the seriousness of the virus. So many people still say, "More people die of the flu than this virus. We should be worried about the flu." I've seen posts claiming California is overreacting and that we Californians are "sheeple" or weak. First...are you for real? Second...

You're under-reacting! And people are going to die because you're a jerk.

I'm SO mad at the people not taking this virus seriously. Those who are still going out or who are having their kids get together with other kids or who think the flu is worse than the virus.

Honestly, I don't know what it will take. All I know is all four of our family members are high-risk. One is so medically fragile I don't even want her to hold the packages that arrive at the door. The only thing we can do is not allow any of us to go anywhere, not even the grocery store, because every trip out means another 7-14 days to stay and be symptom-free.

Today is the first day I cried about our situation. I cried hard. We had to have a discussion that included what we would do if one parent got sick (and died.) We had to make a plan for what to do if our child gets sick...she will have to go to the hospital to be treated alone. We won't be there for her. She'll be terrified. We had to make a plan for what to do with the kids if both parents died.

I had to deal with a little girl asking, "Am I going to die because of my health?"
Seriously. We had to talk about this stuff. We've had to do it before when I was hospitalized for serious heart problems, but this moves everything to a new level.

I just need you - you know who you are - to get over yourself, you selfish #&^*@$( !!! You're the reason people are dying. Grow the hell up and be a true American! Do something for the greater good.

If you still think this virus is no big deal, then unfriend me. I don't need to be friends with someone who will ultimately be responsible for the death of a family member.


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